
I Flounder (...and sink)

Lying in the dusk
I´m watching falling snowflakes
bounding to the bottom of a precipice

Will they melt on embers of aspiration
or will they remain to cast oppression
..and restrain my desire
to breathe free?

I run blinded by the shine
I flounder deaf
and in my steps remains
only empty grief

Sudden changes of direction
and that splendid whirling
for some warmth and hereby
keeping aloof from it

I run blinded by the reflection
I flounder and sink
and in my steps remains
only empty grief

My despairing dreaming
and that saddish whirling
for thine stare and hereby
keeping aloof from thine misty eyes.

[written by Brnïo]

Delusion of Silence

Last light expires into a night
and the silence falls on a land.
Quiet grief and ghosts of night
flood with emptiness my heart.

Is this the stream of grey thoughts
flying through the wind of night?
...............infatuating shadows,
intruding after the light?

My inside is stirred!

Sulking and hunched in the fright
I await the desperation of my mind.
All skews and seems quiet,
but it all leaves a bite.

Is this the feeling which I need for my life?
Shall I embrace it or leave it behind?

My inside is stirred!

[written by Mornan]

Wolfish Curse

You are lost...
Lost in your thoughts, in your memories.
Image of your previous life is so fresh,
you are melting hopeless still again.

Everything what was before is now closed in your mind,
burned by the neverending flame of eternity.

Now you live your life, by day
Closed in your own memories
now you're a slave of your curse.

Cruelty of curse is still behind you
in each step you can feel her breath.
On your uncertain walks at night,
you're holding the hands of death.

You are gray like your thoughts,
the dark gray eyes symbolize your rage.
Sadness that you feel is without brake,
you feel the pain, at most this time.

The deeds of your life were so dark,
now you must pay for all your whims.
Death was your toy, which you loved so much,
and now your tears are flowing in streams.

Now you are alone,
alone in sufferings.
There's no redemptoin
and no place for feelings.

Your mind is calling for blood,
you must slake your neverending thirst.
......................another victim.
You are fallen - in the wolfish course...

[ written by Miro ]

Fancy Night

the source of mysterious thoughts and shadiness.
So beautiful...
and yet full of nipping darkness.

Darkness, which you see and feel,
becomes your mate.
When you succumb her your body and soul
curtain of darkness reflects you the gate.

Now you see the unknow shows,
you feel the essence of the night,
as it streams in your veins
and opens your eyes...

Gleam as the treasures of all of world,
hidden in the silver drop in your hand.
Breeze streams against silky cobweb,
and rides over the sleepy land.

Now you fly like a thousand arrows,
you feel the essence of might.
As the wind streams on your face
and slakes your delight...

You see the dark creek on his infinite bound,
as he sings his eternal and abandoned song.
He treads his way throught the absorbing darkness
and in his ancient defiance he grows in his strength.

dignity...obscurity...neverending liberty
eternity...uncertainity...and wild delight

[ written by Miro ]

Dispersed by Breeze

Obscured drop on the cobweb
caressed by light of her face
cruel perfection......irony
eclipsed by deep-red haze

Twinkle from behind the black veil
endless unrest exhausting nightmare
Sore gaze to a sky getting pale
desire to dissolve.........but where

On the silent escape from the dust
it stopped her.....greed and lust
Need to fulfill her fate and throat
Pitiless sentence of hate she's caught

Quiet noise and some sigh
thrilling caress from her vanity
One gaze.........only one
to the eyes that give eternity

Then once she stared very deep
and fell into the chains of mortality
but expression of frightened eyes
made her leave tempting proximity

Drained mouth in speechless scream
confused eyes were cursed.......
Laughter like from evil dream
which she had already heard......

Tears had washed the blood on her lips useless
Regret can't turn death into life hopeless

Sunbeams kissed her tired curves with ease
She became a wail dispersed by breeze......

[ written by Mornan ]